BRÛLE! - a portrait of Romain Gary

BRÛLE! (french for BURN!) is an independent feature film project I've been working on for a while for my friend David Liver.

BRÛLE! paints a subjective portrait of Romain Gary.

Richard Hell, New York poet and icon of the punk movement, is the main personality around which plays the mirroring with the writer, but the parallel collapses and the multiplicity bursts with the arrival of the other two alter egos, a renowned psychiatrist and a Russian painter. Vladimir Kara’s, Philippe Brenot’s and Richard Hell’s personalities, as different as unique, each offers a facet of Romain Gary and, talking about themselves, compose the voice-over of the character.The film tells the search for identity of a man torn by his contradictions, and stages the ambiguous relationships that exist between characters and personalities, between reality and fiction, between culture and idealism.Narrated by several characters who speak alternately in a personal and intimate style, the story is presented under successive, juxtaposed and intertwined lights.

Each of them represents in his way a facet of Gary. Richard Hell with his insolent image and his offbeat side, Philippe Brenot with his analytical culture of recognized intellectual and Vladimir Kara with the fantasy of his language, as fragile as colorful.

Romain, played by Richard Hell, remains silent in the middle of the voices.

Never heard about Richard Hell ?
Take a look at his Wikipedia page and his official Website

Here is a little Teaser we produced for the project :


Darty commercial


Photos for KATSUYA miami restaurant